Mobile Office synchronization settings |
The administrator for your domain has the ability to login and give each user access (either READ or MODIFY) to the various functional tabs available. Once the user is given access permission they can login to the Mobile Office web application and control their synchronization settings. Once logged in, you click the "Settings" button on the top right and you'll find a synchronization tab in the settings window. Here you can control the address books, task lists and calendar to synchronize with. You can also enable the automatic deletion of events and tasks that are older then a configurable number of days. With this setting enabled all old events will be deleted from your phone but not from the Mobile Office web application. This way your phone stays clean and fast. Deleting synchronization devicesIn general you should never delete a device. It's only useful when you want to start over with a clean phone. So when you hard reset the device and reformat everything you should delete the device in the Mobile Office web application too so all information is go.e there in addition. When you delete it on the Mobile Office web application and don't reset the device you will get double entries because the Mobile Office web application does not know the relations anymore and it will resend all items to the phone. |
NOTE: usernames and passwords are cAse
If you don't know your username or password please contact Imageway Support |